Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Gotta have teeth baby!!


One dentist in fucking Brazil! An absolute fortune of gold awaits any budding tooth surgeon willing to chance his luck with a trip across the Pacific Ocean. What is it with this country and its lack of dental hygiene??! This bunch of Amazonians put the Pommy Geezers to shame with their chops. It seems the more ridiculous the teeth, the more gifted the goofy looking South American soccer player is.

If Australia are desperate to progress further in this World Cup, then they better start ripping those pearly whites out with customary latin American hand pliers.

Or maybe just try and find a half decent referee that won't pay these wimps penalties everytime an "aggressive" Aussie player descends within a 5 metre radius of these opposing 'sportsmen'. Thank God this ludicrous tournament of the most talented ballerinas only comes around every 4 years!!! Not fucking long enough as far as I'm concerned....


At 22 June, 2006 19:43, Blogger Mr Devine said...

'ken oath rossco- clearly, soccer coaches outnumber orthodontists in brazil by a ratio of 1500000 to 1

At 22 June, 2006 20:58, Blogger Roscoe said...

Not to mention the ridiculously hot sluts that live in the place!

Hicksy informs me that drinks and everything else is cheap in South America

End of Season tour to Brazil in 2007 fellas???????

I'm certain Napalm can get us some stupendously cheap airflights?



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