Sunday, April 09, 2006

Great call from PAWD

The scene- Petersham Oval
The time- App.2.10 PM, Saturday
The question- "Hey Dixon, how many are your boyfriends gunna get smashed by tonight?"
The prognostication- "They won't smash them- they are always close games with the Knights"
The result- a 54-6 DRUBBING!!!!!!

(PS-I cant BELIEVE I picked those spastics for the comp- I will now go and stand in oncoming traffic)


At 09 April, 2006 19:34, Blogger Pawd said...

fair call they gave up like bitches after 30. Almost as good a sight as seeing Gower carried off in a body bag against parra

At 10 April, 2006 08:41, Blogger Roscoe said...

At least the Panthers didnt go in hiding once one of their 'stars' goes missing ala Newcastle without Johns, St George without anyone, etc etc. If anyone finds a heart beating in the St George/Illawarra districts, then its a deadset fucking beatup, as it is common knowledge throughout the rugby leage world, there is no fucking HEART in St George!

At 10 April, 2006 16:31, Blogger moo said...

cant wait for dragons v souths


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